Thank You...

...for attending the Your Holistic Earth Business Builder event on November 19, 2020, and watching my presentation 'Resilience! Six Ways to Tackle Anything that Life Throws at You'. Thank you for your time and attention!

My first gift for you is the 'Bundle of Exercises' that I mentioned during my presentation. Please use these exercises as you see fit and feel free to share them with your friends, family, or colleagues.

Click on the 'Clear Directions Coaching' logo if you wish to access and download the PDF's

1) Clarify Your Values:

2) Long List of Values - Exercise:


3) Peak Experience Exercise:


4) 'I Am' Statements:


5) Explore Your Purpose:



6) Wheel of Life - Exercise:


Last but not least, click on the image below if you'd like to see the presentation slides:




My second gift for you is an invitation for your 30-minute Clarity Session.

We may use this time to ...

  • Talk about your insights from the exercises
  • Plan meaningful action steps as a result of the exercises, or
  • Answer any questions that you have about resilience or other topics of interest/concern

If this resonates with you, please click here, fill out the Clarity Session application form, and send it my way.

After reviewing your application, I will be in touch to set up your session.

In the meantime, enjoy working with the exercises and be well!

To your resilience, freedom, and joy,


“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

~ Mary Oliver

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"We are meant to be happy in life, and that includes doing work that matters to us and gives us a sense of joy, contribution, and significance - in addition to providing us with an income that supports our desired lifestyle."
~ Monika Becker

Learn more about me:
About Monika Becker


Phone: +1 (604) 816-4056